Returns Policy

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. We understand that there are risks and uncertainties involved in online shopping, so we are happy to accept refunds and exchanges on our products. You can return or exchange the item within 14 days of your purchase.

When will my return not be accepted by LitaLente?

  1. When products are not returned within 30 days of delivery.
  2. Products such as clothing or other products that can be worn must not have any damage, dirty spots or unpleasant odors.
  3. Hygiene products cannot be returned if the packaging is opened.
  4. The product or packaging must be returned in its original condition.
  5. When the item is discounted.

Who pays for the return shipping costs?
If you want to return a product to LitaLente, these costs will be borne by the buyer. Only returns with Track & Trace are accepted. This is important so that we can see where the return shipment is at all times.

Postage costs
Returns on domestic or international orders will be responsible for shipping costs or any additional costs incurred by the product. Returns are at your own risk and we prefer that you ship the product with a tracking code.

Please make sure you contact us before returning a product so that we can support you throughout the process to avoid high costs.


  1. Register your return via our contact page
  2. Pack your product(s) well and securely
  3. fill it returns form and send it to us together with the package

Our return address is:

Innsbruckweg 64
3047 AH Rotterdam


Without returns form we cannot process your return.

You are responsible for paying your own shipping costs
sending it back. Shipping costs are not refundable. Always use
shipping with tracking.

If your product is defective or does not work properly, send us a photo or a short video of the damage via and we will send you a replacement item free of charge. You do not have to return the damaged item to us.

Download returns form